Monday, November 29, 2010


so friday night Tooth and i stayed up til 4am screening the envelopes for the regular edition and something secret and amazing for the Deluxe Edition.

that's Tooth there (aka Dale), going beyond the call of duty banging these things out with/ for me (he did all the work i just grabbed em and put them on the drying rack).

this thing is coming together and, well.....holy shit.
more very soon.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


for the "regular" edition, anyway (still quite a few left to do for the DELUXE version).
this is a crappy cellphone photo of the final plate. now assembly, trimming, screenprinting, etc etc etc.

but. on our way.

(yeah and on the subject of screenprinting: looks like the leatherette/file folder material itself on the DELUXE edition won't hold the kind of ink we need to work with, so plan B on that one. what IS plan B, you ask? wait and see....)

Monday, November 08, 2010

OLD LOW ART FOR SALE/ andy k. benefit

a little over 2 weeks ago a tragic accident occurred in Seattle, and longtime Sub Pop employee Andy Kotowicz lost his life; you can read more about it here:

i did not know andy well, but the interactions i did have with him showed him to be a real solid, good guy. i liked him. i know quite a few other people that were closer to him who are just absolutely destroyed by his loss: "universally loved" seems to kind of an inadequate description, here. any way you cut it, it's just a tragic, sad deal.
so there's been a fund set up for his family and, well....i've got a piece art that i'm selling toward that purpose.
up on ebay now is the original art for a Low flyer i did....uh, a long time ago; we copied it off and used it for a long us tour (i don't even remember when...Secret Name maybe or Songs For A Dead Pilot...). it looks like this:

ebay listing is here:

reserve is $70, but bid high, it's for a good cause.
here's the link to that fund, too, should you feel moved to contribute--

more soon.